Visiting campus should be fun and informative–and help answer questions about your decision to apply to LaGrange or select LaGrange as your college. We offer numerous ways to visit that fit your needs and schedule.
In-person, personalized visit
Saturday preview days
Want to meet other parents and prospective students? Want to hear what other folks are curious about and visit campus with a group? Does Saturday fit your schedule better than weekdays? If this sounds like you, Preview Days may have just your energy. You can learn more about Preview Days and other special Admissions Events or go ahead and register.
Preview Day is an excellent way for prospective students and families to find out more about LaGrange College. Get a look at life as a Panther by meeting with current students and faculty, learning about academic programs and getting a personal view of campus.
Virtual visits
Want to visit now, without leaving home or making travel plans? We’ve curated several virtual visit options – press play on student-led videos, take a self-guided map tour or swipe through the Insta grids of various LaGrange ambassadors. Have a question? You can always hit pause and ask us anything.